I was speaking to a very close friend of mine the other day. He was speaking about someone in the news being "given" a prize just because they were in the right place at the right time. I said they were "lucky". He said it was more that they were "fortunate".
Being lucky or being fortunate are 2 totally different things. It is the same in your life. Look at it this way:
Are you going to stand around, talk a good game, profess to be and expert or assume people must think you are because of your title, and then expect to be given things without any true results? This is what I call a HAND OUT
Are you going to jump head-first, ask for feedback, show initiative, accept criticism, ask how you can become better and then follow through making everyone take notice of your actions without asking for the recognition? This is what I call a HAND UP
If you want it BAD enough there is nothing that will stand in your way. Les Brown the great speaker says, "It's not over until I win". So don't wait for the HAND OUTS look for the HAND UPS. You'll win a whole lot faster.
Very true. You make your future happen, if you want it, take and ensure you keep your eye on the prize. Fotitude, focus, passion and drive. There is no try, only DO or NOT do!!
Posted by: RJG | 03/29/2010 at 04:03 PM